

发布时间: 2024-05-16 14:57:29北京青年报社官方账号





Amazon’s announcement of a new “Dash Cart” makes the tech giant a direct competitor to Veeve, the Seattle-area smart shopping cart startup that Siddiqui and Sadiq launched in 2018 and unveiled last year. And there are many similarities in their approaches. Customers scan a QR code to log in. Sensors and cameras in the cart identify products automatically as they’re placed inside, automatically tallying the bill as they go, eliminating the need for a traditional checkout process.


Among them, Manafort reportedly provided about 400 pages, including his foreign agent advocacy paperwork. These documents are required by the Senate judiciary panel to include notes Manafort took while attending a meeting with the president's eldest son Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in June 2016.


Amazon’s capital expenditures grew 17 percent during the quarter and the company plans to spend more this year on buildings and equipment to support AWS, said Brian Olsavsky, chief financial officer, on a conference call after the release of the results. Yesterday Microsoft announced that capital expenditures dipped slightly a week after Intel warned that cloud providers were “absorbing capacity” as opposed to adding new computing equipment.


Among the suspects, the 52 who allegedly organized and led the pyramid scheme have been handed to prosecutors, according to Meishan police.


Amazon’s involvement in sea.citi is also noteworthy. The e-commerce giant has played an active role in Seattle’s transformation but faced criticism for a lack of civic engagement compared to other companies. That has been shifting in recent years; Amazon has donated millions of dollars to nonprofits like Mary’s Place and FareStart and is building a permanent homeless shelter on its Seattle campus.


